Coordinated Systems Lab

A CPS research lab at Iowa State



The Coordinated Systems Lab is interested in understanding problems that arise at the intersection of

  • safety-critical systems,
  • autonomous decision-making and control, and
  • machine learning.

Our approach these problems has applications in ground transportation, advanced air mobility, aerospace, scientific discovery, and more. Please see our research page below.

CSL is run by Cody Fleming. Cody is with the Department of Mechanical Engineering, the VRAC research center, and the Translational AI Center at Iowa State University.

Prior to Iowa State, Cody had joint appointments in Systems Engineering and Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Virginia. He was a founding member of the interdisciplinary Link Lab for Cyber-physical Systems at UVA.




Cody Fleming’s profile can be seen here. Also check out the various links (Google Scholar, ResearchGate, etc) at the top of this site.

  • CSL has had at least 30 undergraduates work in the lab. We encourage undergrad (and even K12) students to inquire.


If interested in our research or in working with us, please contact Professor Fleming at the email address below. Also, please click on any of the links for access to code, papers, and other relevant info.

Individual success depends on the success of our group. We strive for an environment where (1) every team member is passionate about the research they are pursuing, and (2) we bring together people who contribute and fit into a situation that is collaborative, collegial, and values people over projects and productivity. Interested students or researchers should possess the following characteristics:

  1. A contagious and positive attitude. Most of what we try fails, but the success we have is achieved by seeing the positive outcomes through experience in our failures.
  2. Being driven to make a difference. Every person on our team is here because they are one person trying to make an impact on the world, with resources and mentorship that enables that to occur.
  3. Willingness to work in an interdisciplinary environment. Major technology challenges are not confined to individual disciplines. Problem solving at high levels requires willingness to communicate with those around us who learned concepts from a different vantage point or discipline.
  4. Ability to work on a team. The best leader is also the best follower, and the best teams are defined by how well the members work together.

If you possess these traits and a desire to make a difference, please contact Cody Fleming.

flemingc 'at' iastate 'dot' edu