Fleming, Cody May 2024
Date: April 25, 2024
Name: Cody Fleming
Department: Mechanical Engineering
Current Rank: Associate Professor
A. Educaon
Massachuses Instute of Technology, Cambridge, MA USA
Doctor of Philosophy, Aeronaucs and Astronaucs, 2015
Massachuses Instute of Technology, Cambridge, MA USA
Master of Engineering, Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2004
Hope College, Holland, MI USA
Bachelor of Science, Engineering, 2003
B. Academic Appointments
Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University, Ames, IA
USA, August 2020–current,
Vising Professor, Engineering Systems and Environment, University of Virginia,
Charloesville, VA USA, August 2020–July 2022
Assistant Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, University of Virginia,
Charloesville, VA USA, January 2018–August 2020
Assistant Professor, Systems Engineering, University of Virginia, Charloesville,
VA USA, August 2015–August 2020
Graduate Research Assistant, Massachuses Instute of Technology, Cambridge,
MA USA, September 2010–January 2015
C. Other Professional Employment
Dynamics Analyst and Sta Engineer, Northrop Grumman Space Technology,
Redondo Beach, CA USA, August 2004–June 2010
D. Honors and Awards
AIAA Associate Fellow, 2023
The Kinnier Award, given yearly to one faculty member in UVA School of
Engineering and Applied Sciences for outstanding teaching and student
engagement, 2019
Disnguished Faculty Speaker Award, University of Virginia Oce of
Engagement, 2018
Best Paper Award, Best Student Paper (Bryan Carter), IEEE Systems Conference,
INFORMS Graduate Faculty Award of Excellence, University of Virginia Student
Chapter award for excellence in service, 2016
Fleming, Cody May 2024
Best Paper Award, Brian Mar Best Student Paper, INCOSE Internaonal
Symposium 2015
Northrop Grumman Recognion Award, special recognion for problem‐solving
in a strategic program, 2010
Dickson Fellow, Massachuses Instute of Technology, 2004
Douwe B Entema Prize, Hope College, award to top student in physics and
engineering, 2003
Alvin W. Vanderbush Award, Hope College, one of four awards given to Hope
College scholar‐athletes, 2003
Phi Beta Kappa, elected to naonal scholasc honor society, 2003‐present
Presidenal Scholar, Hope College, 1999‐2003
A. Scholarship
# Denotes any publicaon derived from the candidate’s thesis/dissertaon.
+ Denotes student co‐author.
Journal arcles numbered 12– onward, and Peer‐Reviewed Conference Proceedings
numbered 31– onward occurred at ISU and aer last advancement.
1. Arcles in Peer‐Reviewed Journals
23. Laplante P., DeFranco J., Kuhn R., Chandrasekaran J., Cofer D., Ding J., Elks C.,
Fleming C., Goodloe A., Lanus E., and Porter A. Assured Autonomy, Arcial
Intelligence, and Machine Learning, IEEE Computer. Vol 57, 3, pp. 14‐21.
hps://doi.org/10.1109/MC.2024.3353058. Impact Factor: 3.6.
22. Sun M.
, S. Gautham, C. Elks, and C. Fleming. Dening and Characterizing
Model‐based Safety Assessment: A Review, Safety Science. Vol 172 (2024):
106425. hps://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssci.2024.106425. Impact Factor: 6.1.
21. Amy Ruth Pritche, C. Fleming, Robert J Hansman Jr, Christopher Hart,
Margaret T. Jenny, Paul McCarthy, Nadine B Sarter, Ashok Srivastava, Kathleen
M Sutclie, Alyson Wilson. Emerging Hazards in Commercial Aviaon—Report
1: Inial Assessment of Safety Data and Analysis Processes, Transportaon
Research Board, Naonal Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine,
August, 2022. hps://doi.org/10.17226/26673.
20. Bakirtzis G.
, F. Genovese, and C. Fleming. Yoneda Hacking: The Algebra of
Aacker Acons, ACM Transacons on CPS. Vol 6, Issue 3, (2022).
hps://doi.org/10.1145/3531063. Impact Factor: 2.3.
19. K. Rand
and C. Fleming. Decision support architectures for the recovery of
interdependent infrastructure with large‐scale damage and socially vulnerable
populaons, Risk Analysis: An Internaonal Journal. Vol 42, Iss 5, Pp
1124‐1135, (2022). hps://doi.org/10.1111/risa.13910. Impact Factor: 4.0.
18. Bakirtzis G.
, C. Vasilakopoulou, and C. Fleming. Categorical Semancs of
Cyber‐Physical Systems Theory, ACM Transacons on CPS. Vol 5, No 3, (2021).
hps://doi.org/10.1145/3461669. Impact Factor: 2.3.
Fleming, Cody May 2024
17. Jafarzadeh H.
and C. Fleming. DMPC: A Data‐and Model‐Driven Approach to
Predicve Control, Automaca. Vol 131, (2021).
hps://doi.org/10.1016/j.automaca.2021.109729. Impact Factor: 6.4.
16. Bakirtzis G.
, T. Sherburne, S. Adams, B. M. Horowitz, P. A. Beling, C. Fleming.
An Ontological Metamodel for Cyber‐Physical System Safety, Security, and
Resilience Coengineering, Internaonal Journal on Soware and Systems
Modeling (SoSyM), Vol 21, No 1, (2022).
hps://doi.org/10.1007/s10270‐021‐00892‐z . Impact Factor: 2.1.
15. Bakirtzis G.
, E. Subrahmanian, C. Fleming. Composional Thinking in
Cyber‐Physical Systems Theory, IEEE Computer. Vol 54, No 12, pp 50‐59,
(2021). hps://doi.org/10.1109/MC.2021.3085532. Impact Factor: 3.6.
14. Fleming C., C. Elks, G. Bakirtzis
, S. C. Adams, B. Carter
, P. A. Beling, and B.
Horowitz. Cyber‐Physical Security Through Resiliency: A Systems Centric
Approach for Facilitang Resilience in Cyber‐Physical Systems, IEEE Computer.
Vol 54, No 04, (2021). hps://doi.org/10.1109/MC.2020.3039491. Impact
Factor: 3.564.
13. Stankovic J., H. Alemzadeh, B. Campbell, J. Lach, L. Feng, C. Fleming, J. Goodall,
T. Odumosu, D. Quinn, Y. Tian, K. Tobler. A Graduate Curriculum in Cyber
Physical Systems, IEEE Design & Test. Vol 38, Iss 3, (2021).
hps://doi.org/10.1109/MDAT.2020.3043376. Impact Factor: 2.409.
12. K. Rand
, M. Kurth, C. Fleming, I. Linkov. A resilience matrix approach for
measuring and migang disaster‐induced populaon displacement,
Internaonal Journal of Disaster Risk Reducon. Vol 42, 101310, (2020).
hps://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijdrr.2019.101310. Impact Factor: 2.896.
11. Carter B.
, S. Adams, G. Bakirtzis
, T. Sherburne, P. Beling, B. Horowitz, C.
Fleming. A Preliminary Design‐Phase Security Methodology for Cyber‐Physical
Systems, Systems. Vol 7(2):21, (2019).
hps://doi.org/10.3390/systems7020021. Impact Factor: 2.5.
10. Sun M.
, K. Rand
, and C. Fleming. 4 Dimensional Waypoint Generaon for
conict‐free Trajectory Based Operaon, Aerospace Science and Technology.
Vol 88 , pp 350‐361, (2019). hps://doi.org/10.1016/j.ast.2019.03.035.
Impact Factor: 4.499.
9. Carter B.
, G. Bakirtzis
, C. Elks, C. Fleming. Systems‐Theorec Security
Requirements Modeling for Cyber‐Physical Systems, Systems Engineering. Vol
22, pp 411‐42., (2019). hps://doi.org/10.1002/sys.21504. Impact Factor: 1.0.
8. Bakirtzis G.
, B. Simon, A. Collins, C. Fleming and C. Elks. Data Driven
Vulnerability Exploraon for Design Phase Analysis, IEEE Systems Journal. Vol
14, No 4, (2019). hps://doi.org/10.1109/JSYST.2019.2940145. Impact Factor:
7. K. Rand
and C. Fleming. An interdisciplinary review to develop guidelines for
modeling populaon displacement as a funcon of infrastructure
reconstrucon decisions, Transportaon Research Interdisciplinary
Perspecves. Vol 3, 100072, (2019).
Fleming, Cody May 2024
6. Jafarzadeh H.
and C. Fleming. An Exact Geometry‐Based Algorithm for Path
Planning, Internaonal Journal of Applied Mathemacs and Computer
Science.Vol 28, No 3, 493–504, (2018).
hps://doi.org/10.2478/amcs‐2018‐0038. Impact Factor: 1.694.
5. Boyer R.
, W. Scherer, C. Fleming C., C. Connors, and N.P. Whitehead. A
Human‐Machine Methodology for Invesgang Systems Thinking in a Complex
Corpus, IEEE Systems Journal. Vol 12, Iss 3 Pp: 2937‐2948, (2018).
hps://doi.org/10.1109/JSYST.2017.2725920. Impact Factor: 5.280.
4. Fleming C.# and N.G. Leveson. Early Concept Development and Safety Analysis
of Future Transportaon Systems, IEEE Transacons on Intelligent
Transportaon Systems. Vol 17, No 12, pp. 3512‐3523, (2016).
hps://doi.org/10.1109/TITS.2016.2561409. Impact Factor: 6.319.
3. Fleming C.# and N.G. Leveson. Improving Hazard Analysis and Cercaon of
Integrated Modular Avionics, AIAA Journal of Aerospace Informaon Systems.
Vol 11, No 6, pp 397‐411, (2014). hps://doi.org/10.2514/1.I010164. Impact
Factor: 1.412.
2. Ishimatsu T., N.G. Leveson, J.P. Thomas, C. Fleming#, M. Katahira, Y. Miyamoto,
R. Ujiie, H. Nakao, and N. Hoshino. Analysis of Complex Spacecra Using
Systems Theorec Process Analysis, AIAA Journal of Spacecra and Rockets.
Vol 51, No 2, pp 509‐522, (2014). hps://doi.org/10.2514/1.A32449. Impact
Factor: 1.207.
1. Fleming C.#, M. Spencer, N. Leveson, and C. Wilkinson. Safety assurance in
NextGen and complex transportaon systems, Safety Science. Vol 55, pp
173‐187, (2013). hps://doi.org/10.1016/j.ssci.2012.12.005. Impact Factor:
2. Arcles in Peer‐Reviewed Journals In Review
8. McMullen R.
and Fleming C. Turbocharger Turbine Map Scaling for Virtual
Engine Use, Energy, Impact Factor: 9.
7. Shahid M.B.
and Fleming C. Towards Robust Car Following Dynamics
Modeling via Blackbox Models: Methodology, Analysis, and
Recommendaons, Transportaon Research Record, Impact Factor: 1.9.
6. Sun M.
, Bakirtzis G.
, Jafarzadeh H.
and Fleming C. Correct‐by‐construcon
requirement decomposion, EmpiRE 2024 (9th Internaonal Workshop on
Empirical Requirements Engineering) [peer‐reviewed conference]
5. Chen Z.
and Fleming C. Enhancing Mul‐Agent Collision Avoidance through
Model Predicve Control and Intent Communicaon, 4th Modeling,
Esmaon, and Control Conference (MECC 2024). [peer‐reviewed conference]
4. Lane J.A., Khan A.
, Sarkar S., and Fleming C. Characterizaon of Emergent
Phenomena for Designing Control Policies via Reward Engineering for
Mul‐agent Systems, 4th Modeling, Esmaon, and Control Conference (MECC
2024). [peer‐reviewed conference]
3. Koirala P.
and Fleming C. Reframing Oine Reinforcement Learning as a
Regression Problem, Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) 2024
[peer‐reviewed conference]
Fleming, Cody May 2024
2. Koirala P.
and Fleming C. Lidar Based F1tenth Racing With Oine
Reinforcement Learning Methods, 27th IEEE Internaonal Conference on
Intelligent Transportaon Systems (IEEE ITSC 2024) [peer‐reviewed conference]
1. Chen Z.
, Becker G.
, Meyer B. and Fleming C. Control Protocol for Systems of
Automove Radar Systems, IEEE Aerospace Conference
3. Peer‐Reviewed Conference Proceedings
38. Shahid M.B.
, R. Robison, T. Shafer, V. Diloreto, N. Alexandrov, and C. Fleming.
Uncertainty Quancaon using Deep Ensembles for Decision Making in
Cyber‐Physical Systems, 2024 AIAA SciTech Forum. AIAA 2024‐0108.
37. R. Robison, T. Shafer, V. Diloreto, N. Alexandrov, M.B. Shahid
, and C. Fleming.
Quanle Regression for Uncertainty Esmaon in Dierenal Equaons, 2024
AIAA SciTech Forum. AIAA 2024‐0109. hps://doi.org/10.2514/6.2024‐0109.
36. Bradley J., A. Pritche, K.Y. Rozier, C. Fleming. Impact and Inuence of
Cyber‐Physical Systems Research on Autonomous Aerospace Systems, 2023
AIAA SciTech Forum. p. 2669. hps://doi.org/10.2514/6.2023‐2669.
35. Sun S.
and C. Fleming, A new safety‐guided design methodology to
complement model‐based safety analysis for safety assurance, 4th IFAC
Workshop on Cyber‐Physical & Human‐Systems, Vol 55, Issue 41, Pages
101‐106. hps://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.01.110.
34. Jafarzadeh H.
and C. Fleming. Gaussian Process‐based Model Predicve
Controller for Connected Vehicles with Uncertain Wireless Channel, 24th IEEE
Intelligent Transportaon Systems Conference (ITSC 2021), September 2021.
33. Sekhon J.
and C. Fleming. SCAN: A Spaal Context Aenve Network for Joint
Mul‐Agent Intent Predicon, Thirty‐Fih AAAI Conference on Arcial
Intelligence (AAAI‐21). February 2021.
hps://doi.org/10.1609/aaai.v35i7.16762 . Acceptance rate: 21%
32. Singh N.
, S. Abraham
, M. Sun
, and C. Fleming. Opmizaon of
Waypoint‐based Flight‐deck Interval Management for NextGen Concept of
Operaons, 2021 AIAA SciTech Forum. January 2021.
31. G. Bakirtzis
, Fabrizio Genovese, C. Fleming. Categorical Semancs of Security
Modeling, ICRA 21 Workshop on Composional Robocs: Mathemacs and
Tools. Xian, China, May‐June 2021. .
30. Sekhon J.
and C. Fleming. A Spaally and Temporally Aenve Joint
Trajectory Predicon Framework for Modeling Vessel Intent, Proceedings of
the 2nd Conference on Learning for Dynamics and Control, PMLR 120:318‐327,
2020. hps://proceedings.mlr.press/v120/sekhon20a.html. Acceptance rate
for oral presentaon: 11%
29. Sun M.
, S. Abraham
, N. Singh
, and C. Fleming. Waypoint‐based Flight‐deck
Interval Management, 2020 AIAA SciTech Forum. January 2020.
Fleming, Cody May 2024
28. Bakirtzis G.
, G. L. Ward, C. J. Deloglos, C. R. Elks, B. M. Horowitz, and C.
Fleming. Fundamental Challenges of Cyber‐Physical Systems Security
Modeling, DSN 2020: 50th IEEE IFP Internaonal Conference on Dependable
Systems and Networks. hps://doi.org/10.1109/DSN‐S50200.2020.00021.
Acceptance rate: 16.5%
27. Bakirtzis G.
, C. Vasilakopoulou and C. Fleming. Composional Cyber‐Physical
Systems Modeling, Applied Category Theory 2020. July 2020.
hps://cgi.cse.unsw.edu.au/ eptcs/paper.cgi?ACT2020:40.pdf.
26. Jafarzadeh, H.
and C. Fleming. Learning Model Predicve Control for
Connected Autonomous Vehicles, 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and
Control. Nice, France, December 2019.
25. Sun M.
, X. Ge
, and C. Fleming. Guaranteed Conict: when speed advisory
doesn’t work for Time‐based Flow Management, Thirteenth USA‐Europe Air
Trac Management Research and Development Seminar (ATM2019). Vienna,
Austria, June 2019. hps://api.semancscholar.org/CorpusID:14190585.
24. Sekhon J.
and C. Fleming. Towards Improved Tesng For Deep Learning, 41st
ACM‐IEEE Internaonal Conference on Soware Engineering, ICSE 2019, New
Ideas and Emerging Results. hps://doi.org/10.1109/ICSE‐NIER.2019.00030.
Acceptance rate: 27%
23. Elahe Soltanaghaei, Mahmoud Elnaggar
, Kae Kleeman
, Kamin
Whitehouse, C. Fleming. Characterizing Uncertaines of Wireless Channels in
Connected Vehicles, MobiCom 2019, The 25th Annual Internaonal
Conference on Mobile Compung and Networking. Posters & Demos, Oct
21‐25, 2019. hps://doi.org/10.1145/3300061.3343409.
22. Bergman M.
, S. Adams, T. Sherburne, C. Fleming, P. Beling. Acve Learning to
Improve Stac Analysis, 18th IEEE Internaonal Conference on Machine
Learning and Applicaons ICMLA 2019. Florida, December 2019.
hps://doi.org/10.1109/ICMLA.2019.00215. Acceptance rate: 25%
21. B. Carter
, G. Bakirtzis
, C. Elks, C. Fleming, A Systems Approach for Elicing
Mission‐Centric Security Requirements, 12
Annual IEEE Internaonal Systems
Conference SYSCON. Vancouver BC, Canada, April 2018. Best Student
Paper Award hps://doi.org/10.1109/SYSCON.2018.8369539.
20. Mahmoud Elnaggar
, Kamin Whitehouse and C. Fleming. Bayesian Wireless
Channel Predicon for Safety‐Crical Connected Autonomous Vehicles,
Bayesian Deep Learning Workshop. NeurIPS 2018,
hp://bayesiandeeplearning.org/2018/papers/130.pdf. Acceptance rate: 21%
19. G. Bakirtzis
, B.T. Carter
, C.R. Elks, C.H. Fleming, A Model‐Based Approach to
Security Analysis for Cyber‐Physical Systems, 12
Annual IEEE Internaonal
Systems Conference SYSCON. Vancouver BC, Canada, April 2018.
18. S. Adams, B. Carter
, C. Fleming, P.A. Beling. Selecng System Specic
Cyber‐Security Aack Paerns using Topic Modeling, 17
IEEE Internaonal
Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Compung And Communicaons
(IEEE TrustCom‐18). New York, NY USA, August 2018.
Fleming, Cody May 2024
hps://doi.org/10.1109/TrustCom/BigDataSE.2018.00076. Acceptance rate:
17. B. Carter
, C. Fleming, C. Elks, and G. Bakirtzis
. Cyber‐Physical Systems
Modeling for Security Using SysML. CSER 2018:16th‐Annual Conference on
Systems Engineering. Charloesville, VA USA, May 2018.
16. R. Bailey, C.H. Fleming, W.T. Scherer, M.C. Smith, W.H. Guilford, J.W. Lark, III, D.
Elzey, S. Russell, S. Acton, B.L. Smith. Integrang Systems Approaches into
Educaon Using Acve Case Studies, Froners in Educaon 2018. San Jose, CA
USA, October 2018. hps://doi.org/10.1109/FIE.2018.8659001.
15. Bakirtzis G.
, B. Simon, C. Fleming, and C. Elks. Looking for a Black Cat in a
Dark Room: Security Visualizaon for Cyber‐Physical System Design and
Analysis, IEEE Symposium on Visualizaon for Cyber Security (VizSec). Berlin,
Germany, October 2018. hps://doi.org/10.1109/VIZSEC.2018.8709187.
Acceptance rate: 35%
14. Bashiri, M.
, H. Jafarzadeh
, and C. Fleming. PAIM: Platoon‐based
Autonomous Intersecon Management, 2018 IEEE Intelligent Transportaon
Systems Conference (ITSC 2018). Hawaii, November 2018.
13. Sun, M.
, Ge, X.
, and Fleming C. Resolving a Dilemma: Guaranteeing
Conict‐free 4D‐Trajectories While Leaving Autonomy to Airlines, 2018
IEEE‐AIAA 37th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC). London, UK,
September 2018.
12. Bakirtzis, G.; Carter, B.
; Elks, C.; and Fleming, C. Cyber Assurance Assessment
Using Systems and Control Theory, 26th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX
Security ’17). Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 2017. .
11. Fleming C. Systems Theory and a Drive Towards Model‐based Safety Analysis,
Annual IEEE Internaonal Systems Conference, special session on
Theorecal Foundaons of Systems Engineering (THEFOSE). Montreal, Quebec,
April 2017. hps://doi.org/10.1109/SYSCON.2017.7934799.
10. Bashiri, M.
and C. Fleming. A Platoon‐Based Intersecon Management
System for Autonomous Vehicles, 2017 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV
2017). Redondo Beach, CA, June 2017.
9. Fleming C. A Systems‐theorec Approach to Early Concept Development,
SMC2016, 2016 IEEE Internaonal Conference on Systems, Man, and
Cybernecs. Budapest, Hungary, October 2016.
8. Fleming C.# and N. Leveson. Including Safety during Early Development Phases
of Future Air Trac Management Concepts, Eleventh USA‐Europe Air Trac
Management Research and Development Seminar (ATM2015). Lisbon,
Portugal, June 2015. hps://api.semancscholar.org/CorpusID:12357302.
7. Leveson, N.; C. Fleming#; J. Thomas, and C. Wilkinson. A Comparison of SAE
ARP 4761 and STPA Safety Assessment Processes, 23rd Safety‐crical Systems
Symposium (SSS’15). Bristol, UK, February 2015. .
Fleming, Cody May 2024
6. Fleming, C.# and N. Leveson. Integrang Systems Safety into Systems
Engineering during Concept Development, 25
Annual INCOSE Internaonal
Symposium 2015. Seale, WA, July 2015. Brian Marr Best Student
Paper Award hps://doi.org/10.1002/j.2334‐5837.2015.00111.x.
5. Fleming C. Model‐based Concept Development and Safety Driven Design,
Informak 2014: Big Data. Stugart, Germany, September 2014. .
4. Fleming C.#, N.G. Leveson, and M.S. Placke. Assuring Safety of NextGen
Procedures, Tenth USA‐Europe Air Trac Management Research and
Development Seminar (ATM2013). Chicago, IL, June 2013.
3. Leveson, N.G.; C. Fleming#, M. Spencer, J. Thomas, and C. Wilkinson. Safety
Assurance of Complex, Soware‐Intensive Systems, SAE 2012 Aerospace
Electronics and Avionics Systems Conference. October 2012.
2. Fleming C.#, T. Ishimatsu, Y. Miyamoto, H. Nakao, M. Katahira, N. Hoshino, J.
Thomas, N. Leveson. Safety‐Guided Spacecra Design Using Model‐based
Specicaons11th Internaonal Associaon for the Advancement of Space
Safety. Versailles, France, October 2011.
1. Ishimatsu T., N. Leveson, C. Fleming#, M. Katahira, Y. Miyamoto, H. Nakao.
Mulple Controller Contribuons to Hazards11th Internaonal Associaon for
the Advancement of Space Safety. Versailles, France, October 2011.
4. Books or Book Chapters
2. C. Fleming, edited by Dinesh Verma. Systems Engineering in the Digital Age:
Praconer Perspecves, Springer. .
1. Adams, S., P. A. Beling, James H. Lambert, William T. Scherer, and C. H.
Fleming. Systems Engineering in Context. Springer.
5. Formally Invited Seminars and Presentaons
31. Uncertainty Quancaon in the Context of Machine Learning and Arcial
Intelligence, John Deere Intelligent Systems Group, January 2024.
30. On Safety Assurance of Autonomous Systems, 2nd annual IEEE Workshop on
Assured Autonomy, AI and Machine Learning (WAAM) and The Fih IEEE
Internaonal Conference on Trust, Privacy and Security in Intelligent Systems,
and Applicaons, Atlanta, GA, November 2023.
29. Towards Precise Safety Constraints Derived from Hazard Analyses, Halden HTO
Project Workshop on DI&C, IFE Halden, Norway, August 2023.
28. Categorical Semancs of Cyber‐physical Systems Theory,
Combinatorics/Algebra Seminar, Department of Mathemacs, Iowa State,
March 2023.
Fleming, Cody May 2024
27. Intuion, a bit of physics, and learning in predicon and control, CCRi Tech
Talks, October 2022.
26. Academic Perspecves on Automated V&V Capabilies, NASA ARMD, July
25. Towards Autonomous Systems That Leverage First Principles and Black Boxes,
TrAC Seminar Series, March 2022.
24. On Autonomy and Air Trac Control, Galois Balloween Workshop, October
23. Physics and Learning in Predicon and Control, ETH Zurich, June 2021.
22. Learning and Control for Safety‐crical Systems, Elder Research, May 2021.
21. Plenary, Am I Even Asking the Right Quesons?, SIEDS ‘20 IEEE Systems and
Informaon Engineering Design Symposium, April 2020.
20. On Soware, Autonomy, Coordinaon and Safety in Transportaon Systems,
University of Virginia, Charloesville, VA, October 1, 2019.
19. Systems Engineering Research Center, Workshop on Model Centric
Engineering, Washington D.C., April 2019.
18. Instute for Robocs and Intelligent Machines (IRIM) Seminar Series, “Safety
of Autonomous Systems: Challenges in Coordinaon, Consistency, and
Integraon” Georgia Tech, April 2019.
17. Human‐Machine Teaming, Air Force Research Lab, Dayton, OH, December
16. Driverless Future Issues and Opportunies with Automang Our
Transportaon Systems; University of Virginia Alumni Weekend,
Charloesville, VA, June 9, 2018.
15. Composability, Modularity, and Re‐use in Safety‐Crical Cyber‐physical
Systems; NG University Research Symposium, April 17, 2018.
14. MBSA for cyber failure detecon and recovery, Workshop on Model‐based
System Assurance: enabled by Digital Engineering, Washington, D.C.
December 7, 2017.
13. Driverless Future: How might cars and their management systems change over
me? University of Virginia / City of Charloesville, September 30.
12. Towards Composability, Modularity, and Safety in Autonomous Systems,
University of Virginia Department of Computer Science, November 2016.
11. Mission‐Aware Cybersecurity, NDIA 19
Annual Systems Engineering
Conference, Springeld, VA, 2016.
10. Tomorrows Decision‐makers: On Soware, Autonomy, Coordinaon and
Safety in Transportaon Systems, University of Virginia Department of Civil and
Environmental Engineering, September 2016.
9. Embedded Soware Integrity for Automove Summit, Detroit, Michigan, May
23 25, 2016
8. Systems Engineering Knowledge & Skills in the Educaon of All Engineers,
INCOSE Academic Forum 2016, May 2‐3 2016
Fleming, Cody May 2024
7. Systems Engineering Applicaons to Decision Making, WR Senior Technical
Leaders Focus group, Dewberry, Fairfax, VA, 2015.
6. Early Concept Analysis of NextGen Operaons, 4
STAMP Workshop,
Cambridge, Massachuses, 2015
5. Proacve and Predicve Approaches—Systems‐based Approaches to
Modeling and Analysis, GCAA Safety Intelligence and Management Workshop,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2014.
4. Model‐based Concept Development and Safety Driven Design, Informak
2014: Big Data, Stugart, Germany, 2014.
3. ARP 4761 and STPA (using the Wheel Brake Example in ARP 4761), 3
Workshop, Cambridge, Massachuses, 2014.
2. STPA Analysis of Interval Management in NextGen, 3
STAMP Workshop,
Cambridge, Massachuses, 2014.
1. Improving Hazard Analysis and Cercaon of Integrated Modular Avionics,
STAMP Workshop, Cambridge, Massachuses, 2013.
6. Contributed Presentaons
7. Other Scholarly Contribuons
21. Michael DeVore, Jared Cooper, Andy Wallington, Robert Crouse, Gust Tsikalas,
Komal Verma, C. H Fleming, Greg Carr, Newton Kirby. Run Time Assurance for
Electric Vercal Takeo and Landing Aircra, NASA/CR‐20210026909,
20. M. Sun
, C. H. Fleming, and Milena Milich
. Dening and Reasoning about
Model‐based Safety Analysis: A Review, NASA Contractor Report, March 2021.
19. Ausn Anderson
, Chris Marshall
, Toby Hansford
, Mason Jordan
Sragdhara Khakurel
, Michael Quinn
, Katherine Taylor
, Amy Xie
, and C.
Fleming. Measuring Airport Similarity to Create a Towering Decision Aid, SIEDS
‘20 IEEE Systems and Informaon Engineering Design Symposium.
Charloesville, VA, April 2020.
18. James Ferlez, Mahmoud Elnaggar
, Yasser Shoukry, and Cody Fleming.
Shieldnn: A provably safe nn lter for unsafe nn controllers, arXiv preprint.
arXiv:2006.09564 (2020). hps://arxiv.org/abs/2006.09564.
17. Thomas A. McDermo Jr., C. Fleming, Megan M. Cliord, Tim Sherburne, G.
, K. Rand
. Methods to Evaluate Cost/Technical Risk and
Opportunity Decisions for Security Assurance in Design, SERC‐TR‐2020‐005,
June 2020. hps://sercuarc.org/publicaon/?id=224pub‐type=Technical‐
Fleming, Cody May 2024
16. Thomas A. McDermo Jr., C. Fleming, Megan M. Cliord, Tim Sherburne, G.
, K. Rand
. Concept of Operaons (CONOPS) Exploing Cyber
Vulnerabilies of Oil and Gas Pipelines Building the Systems Assurance
Framework, SERC‐SR‐2020‐004, December, 2020.
15. P. A. Beling, B. Horowitz, C. Fleming, S. Adams, Tim Sherburne, Davis Loose
RT‐1013: Security Engineering. SERC‐2020‐TR‐008, June 2020.
14. Charles Rogers
, Jonathan Bugg
, Chris Nyheim
, Will Gebhardt
, Brian
, Evan Heitman
, and C. Fleming Adversarial Arcial Intelligence for
Overhead Imagery Classicaon Models, SIEDS ‘19 IEEE Systems and
Informaon Engineering Design Symposium. Charloesville, VA, April 2019.
13. Bakirtzis, G.
and Fleming, C., Cyber‐physical System Safety and Security in the
Nuclear Power Plant Context, ANS Student Conference. April 2019, Richmond
VA. .
12. Moradinasab, Nazanin; H. Jafarzadeh
, M. R. Amin‐Naseri, and C. H. Fleming.
A Dynamic Sustainable Compeve Petroleum Supply Chain Model for Various
Stakeholders with Shared Facilies. arXiv preprint. arXiv:1907.11789 (2019).
11. Beling P, Horowitz B, Fleming C, Adams S, Bakirtzis G
, Carter B
, Sherburne T,
Elks C, Collins A, Simon B. Model‐based Engineering for Funconal Risk
Assessment and Design of Cyber Resilient Systems. University of Virginia
Charloesville United States; 2019 Feb 22..
10. J. Rowley
, A. Liu
, S. Sandry
, J. Gross
, M. Salvador
, C. Anton
, and C.
Fleming, Examining the Driverless Future: An Analysis of Human‐Caused
Vehicle Accidents and Development of an Autonomous Vehicle
Communicaon Testbed, SIEDS ‘18, IEEE Systems and Informaon Engineering
Design Symposium. Charloesville, VA, April 2018.
9. Horowitz B, Beling P, Fleming C, Adams S, Carter B
, Sherburne T, Elks C,
Bakirtzis G
, Shull F, Mead NR. Cyber Security Requirements Methodology.
Stevens Instute of Technology Hoboken United States; 2018 Jul 26..
8. Rand, K.
and Fleming, C. Populaon Migraon & Infrastructure Resilience: A
Review of Theory and Pracce, 26th SRA‐Europe Conference. Lisbon, Portugal,
June 2017. .
7. Calhoun, Z.
, Maribojoc, P.
, Selzer, N.
, Procopi, L.
, Bezzo, N., and Fleming,
C. Analysis of Identy and Access Management alternaves for a mulnaonal
informaon‐sharing environment. Systems and Informaon Engineering
Design Symposium (SIEDS), 2017. (pp. 208‐213). IEEE, April 2017.
Fleming, Cody May 2024
6. Horowitz B, Beling P, Fleming C, Adams S, Carter B
, Vemuru K, Elks C, Bakker
T, Cios K, Bakirtzis G
, Collins A. Security Engineering FY17 Systems Aware
Cybersecurity. Stevens Instute of Technology Hoboken United States; 2017
Dec 7..
5. Bains, P.
; Ferris, K.
; Gregoire, J.
; Kim, J.
; Kozloski, J.
; Lazenby, J.
; Oesh,
; Shank, E.
; Wu, K.
; Beling, P.; and Fleming C. Risk Analysis of Globalized
Airline Supply Chains, SIEDS ‘16, IEEE Systems and Informaon Engineering
Design Symposium. Charloesville, VA, April 2016.
4. Leveson, N.; Wilkinson, C.; Fleming C.; and Thomas, J. A Comparison of STPA
and the ARP 4761 Safety Assessment Process, MIT Technical Report, June
3. Fleming C.; Placke, M.S.; and Leveson, N. STPA Analysis of NextGen Interval
Management Components, FAA Technical Report, September 2013..
2. Fleming C.; Spencer, M.; Thomas, J.; Leveson, N.; and Wilkinson, C. Mission
Assurance in NextGen Technologies, NASA Technical Report, March 2012. .
1. An STPA Primer Version 1, August 2013. .
B. Patents, Disclosures, and Technology Transfer
C. Funded Grants and Contracts
Total projects awarded overall: $13,049,620. Controlled by Fleming: $4,332,923
Total projects awarded as PI: $2,935,204. Controlled by Fleming: $1,679,268
26. Yasser Shouky, Cody Fleming (Co‐PI), Chandra Bhat and Min Kyung Lee,
”SCC‐IRG Track 1: Community‐Driven Design of Fair, Urban Air Mobility
Transportaon Management Systems , Naonal Science Foundaon,
06/01/2023 05/31/2027, $2,000,000 (with $415,000 controlled by Dr.
Fleming). Status: Awarded
25. Cody Fleming (PI), Michael Fowler, and Victor Diloreto, ”Uncertainty
Quancaon of Representaons of Unknown Dynamic Systems through
Universal Dierenal Equaons, Naonal Aeronaucs and Space
Administraon, 09/01/2022 10/31/2025, $950,000 (with $365,000
controlled by Dr. Fleming). Status: Acve
24. John Stankovic, Homa Alemzadeh, Cody Fleming (Co‐PI), Jonathan Goodall,
and John Lach , A Graduate Traineeship in Cyber Physical Systems, Naonal
Science Foundaon, 09/01/2018 08/31/2024, $3,069,765 (with $438,538
controlled by Dr. Fleming). Status: Acve
23. Amy Pritche and Cody Fleming (Co‐PI), Assuring Increasingly Autonomous
Capabilies with Novel Delegaons of Authority and Responsibility, Naonal
Aeronaucs and Space Administraon, 03/01/2020 12/31/2023, $897,547
(with $360,000 controlled by Dr. Fleming). Status: Acve
22. Cody Fleming (Sole‐PI), ”Idencaon and Vericaon of Flexible, Adapve
Systems of Autonomous System Architectures, Oce of Naval Research,
06/01/2021 09/30/2023, $200,000. Status: Completed
Fleming, Cody May 2024
21. Cody Fleming (Sole‐PI), An Invesgaon of Minimum Constraint Set for a
Viable Air Trac Architecture, Naonal Aeronaucs and Space
Administraon, 06/01/2022 06/30/2023, $34,000. Status: Completed
20. Beiwen Li, Cody Fleming (Co‐PI), ”Tracking and Visualizaon of Benchtop
Assembly Components, Collins Aerospace, 10/01/2021 03/31/2023,
$66,655 (with $0 controlled by Dr. Fleming). Status: Completed
19. Stephen Holland, Cody Fleming (Co‐PI), ”Spaal Registraon for Materials
State Awareness, Air Force Research Laboratory, 01/01/2019 12/31/2021,
$400,753 (with $0 controlled by Dr. Fleming). Status: Completed
18. Amy Pritche, Eric Frew, and Cody Fleming (Co‐PI), ”Planning Grant:
Engineering Research Center of SAFTE, Naonal Science Foundaon,
09/01/2019 08/31/2021, $100,000 (with $30,000 controlled by Dr. Fleming).
Status: Completed
17. Cody Fleming (PI), Tom McDermo, and Peter Beling, ”Transioning Mission
Aware Concepts and Methods to Evaluate Cost/Risk Decisions for Security
Assurance Design, DoD ASD(R&E), 08/01/2020 07/31/2021, $400,000 (with
$227,768 controlled by Dr. Fleming). Status: Completed
16. Barry Horowitz, Peter Beling, and Cody Fleming (Co‐PI), ”Needs for Addressing
Cyber Aack Resilient Systems in Tesng and Evaluaon, DoD DT&E,
10/01/2019 03/31/2021, $500,000 (with $250,000 controlled by Dr.
Fleming). Status: Completed
15. Cody Fleming (PI) and Peter Beling, ”Compensatory Cyber Resiliency
Approaches for Gaps in Cyber Hygiene (CRACH Test), MITRE Corporaon,
03/01/2020 10/31/2020, $140,000 (with $75,000 controlled by Dr. Fleming).
Status: Completed
14. Cody Fleming (Sole‐PI), ”Improved Decision Making for Autonomous Systems,
Naonal Science Foundaon, 09/01/2018 08/31/2020, $140,000. Status:
13. Peter Beling and Cody Fleming (Co‐PI), ”WRT‐1013 Security Engineering,
Army, 06/01/2019 06/30/2020, $532,305 (with $226,230 controlled by Dr.
Fleming). Status: Completed
12. Cody Fleming (Sole‐PI), ”Towards a Model‐based Approach to Assuring Safety
of Increasingly Autonomous Systems, Northrop Grumman Corporaon,
11/01/2016 06/30/2020, $250,000. Status: Completed
11. Peter Beling and Cody Fleming (Co‐PI), ”Risk Based Approach to Cyber
Vulnerability Assessment , DoD ASD(R&E), 06/01/2019 06/30/2020,
$275,062 (with $137,531 controlled by Dr. Fleming). Status: Completed
10. Tom McDermo and Cody Fleming (Co‐PI), ”Methods to Evaluate
Cost/Technical Risk and Opportunity Decisions for Security Assurance in
Design, USD(R&E), 04/01/2019 04/30/2020, $255,017 (with $125,000
controlled by Dr. Fleming). Status: Completed
9. Cameron Whitehouse, Cody Fleming (Co‐PI), and Lu Feng, ”Safety‐Crical
Wireless Mobile Systems , Naonal Science Foundaon, 09/01/2016
08/31/2019, $800,000 (with $267,700 controlled by Dr. Fleming). Status:
Fleming, Cody May 2024
8. Cody Fleming (PI) and William Scherer, Adversarial and Explainable AI, The
Aerospace Corporaon, 09/01/2018 05/31/2019, $25,000 (with $12,500
controlled by Dr. Fleming). Status: Completed
7. Cody Flemng, Amy Pritche, and Brian German, A Systems‐theorec,
Model‐based Approach to Assuring Safety in TBO, Naonal Aeronaucs and
Space Administraon, 06/01/2016 05/31/2019, $766,204 (with $350,000
controlled by Dr. Fleming). Status: Completed
6. Barry Horowitz, Cody Fleming (Co‐PI), and Peter Beling, ”RT‐196 Security
Engineering, DoD ASD(R&E), 01/01/2018 03/31/2019, $323,312 (with
$161,656 controlled by Dr. Fleming). Status: Completed
5. Barry Horowitz, Cody Fleming (Co‐PI), and Peter Beling, ”RT‐191 Decision
Support Tool Trials, Army, 01/01/2018 09/30/2018, $224,000 (with $80,000
controlled by Dr. Fleming). Status: Completed
4. Barry Horowitz, Peter Beling, and Cody Fleming (Co‐PI), ”RT‐172 Security
Engineering, DoD ASD(R&E), 01/01/2017 11/30/2017, $350,000 (with
$125,000 controlled by Dr. Fleming). Status: Completed
3. Cody Fleming (Sole‐PI), ”Towards a Methodology for Safety‐driven Analysis
and Integraon of Heterogeneous, Autonomous Decision‐makers in the
Naonal Airspace, Virginia Space Grant Consorum, 05/01/2016
05/31/2017, $20,000. Status: Completed
2. Cody Fleming (PI) and Nicola Bezzo, CRical Informaon and Infrastructure
Identy and access Management Evaluaon (CRIIIME), The MITRE
Corporaon, 09/01/2016 05/31/2017, $10,000 (with $5,000 controlled by
Dr. Fleming). Status: Completed
1. Barry Horowitz, Cody Fleming (Co‐PI), and Peter Beling, ”Mission‐Level
Cybersecurity and Soluon & the Selecon of Decision Support Tools, DoD
ASD(R&E), 01/01/2016 11/30/2016, $320,000 (with $37,000 controlled by
Dr. Fleming). Status: Completed
A. Instrucon for ISU
Term Course
Course Title Credits Lab Number of
Spring 2023 M E 415 Mechanical
Systems Design
3 No 33 0/0
Spring 2023
CPS 364 Cyber Phys‐
ical Systems
3 No 17 0/0
Fall 2022 M E 280X Design and
Analysis of
3 No 20 0/0
Spring 2022 M E 415 Mechanical
Systems Design
3 No 35 0/0
Fleming, Cody May 2024
Fall 2021 M E 525 Opmizaon
Methods for
Complex Designs
3 No 20 0/0
Fall 2021 M E 425 Opmizaon
Methods for
Complex Designs
3 No 15 0/0
Spring 2021 M E 421 System Dynamics
& Control
3 Yes 74 1/0
Fall 2020 M E 421 System Dynamics
& Control
3 Yes 50 1.5/0
: co‐taught this course as a non‐ocial instructor.
B. Curricular Development Acvity for ISU
Assisted with project development for ME 280X: Design and Analysis of
Cyber‐Physical Systems
Assisted with overall development of CPS minor and relaonship between core
C. Supervision of Students as Major Professor
Ph.D. Students In‐Progress
6. Nima Sina, PhD, January 2023‐, Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University,
work in progress degree expected 2027
5. Robert McMullen, PhD, August 2022‐, Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State
University, work in progress degree expected 2026
4. Aadit Farhan Khan, PhD, August 2022‐, Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State
University, work in progress degree expected 2026
3. Zhaoyang Chen, PhD, January 2022‐, Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State
University, work in progress degree expected 2026
2. Morteza Shariatee, Ph.D., August 2021‐, Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State
University, work in progress degree expected 2025
1. Muhammad Bilal Shahid, Ph.D., January 2021‐, Mechanical Engineering, Iowa
State University, work in progress degree expected 2025
Ph.D. Students Graduated at Current Rank
6. Jasmine Sekhon, PhD, August 2017‐August 2022, University of Virginia.
“Modeling Pedestrian Dynamics in Crowds”.
5. Minghui Sun, PhD, August 2016‐May 2022, University of Virginia. Towards a
Comprehensive Model‐Based Safety Assessment: A STPA‐Informed Approach”,
currently a postdoc at Iowa State University.
4. Hassan Jafarzadeh, PhD, August 2015‐August 2021, University of Virginia.
“Data‐ and Model‐Driven Predicve Control: With Applicaons to Connected
Autonomous Vehicles”, currently a Research Scienst at Ford Automove R&D
division of autonomous systems.
Fleming, Cody May 2024
3. Georgios Bakirtzis, Ph.D., August 2016‐May 2021, University of Virginia.
“Composional Cyber‐Physical Systems Theory, currently a postdoc at
2. Masoud Bashiri, Ph.D., August 2016‐December 2020, University of Virginia.
“Data‐Driven Intersecon Management Soluons for Mixed Trac of
Human‐Driven and Connected and Automated Vehicles”, currently Data
Analyst and Soware Engineer at UCLA Health.
1. Krista Rand, Ph.D. August 2016‐December 2020, University of Virginia. A
System Theorec Approach to Dynamic Recovery Strategy Design in
Networked Systems”, currently research scienst at JHU‐APL, previously ORISE
Postdoctoral Fellow.
Ph.D. Advised Previously
3. Joe Cullen, PhD, 2020‐2022, Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State University,
withdrew to focus on current industry posion
2. Milena Milich, PhD, University of Virginia, transferred to Patrick Hopkins’
group aer my departure
1. Mahmoud Elnaggar, PhD, remained at University of Virginia aer my departure
M.S. Students In‐Progress
2. Prajwal Koirala, M.S. August 2023‐, Mechanical Engineering, Iowa State
University, work in progress degree expected 2025
1. Gavin Becker, M.S. January 2023‐, Computer Science, Iowa State University,
work in progress degree expected 2024
M.S. Students Graduated
7. Angelica Sunga, M.S. 2019‐2021, University of Virginia, currently a
microelectronics design engineer at BAE Systems
6. Davis Loose, M.S. 2018‐2020, University of Virginia. “LDaRM: A Technique for
Improving Knowledge Discovery in Large Text Corpora”, currently Ph.D. student
at UVA
5. Robert Pierce, M.S., 2017‐2019, University of Virginia. “Using Reinforcement
Learning to Train an Autonomous Car, currently a soware engineer at
Psionic, Hampton Roads, VA.
4. Bryan Carter, M.S., 2016‐2018, University of Virginia. A Systems‐Theorec,
Model‐Based Methodology for Idenfying and Evaluang Resiliency Strategies
for Cyber‐Physical Systems”, currently a sta engineering at Naonal Ground
Intelligence Center
3. Kyle Ferris, M.S.D.S., 2016, University of Virginia. “Risk Analysis of Globalized
Airline Supply Chains”
2. James Kim,M.S.D.S., 2016, University of Virginia. “Risk Analysis of Globalized
Airline Supply Chains”
1. Jonathan Lazenby, M.S.D.S., 2016, University of Virginia. “Risk Analysis of
Globalized Airline Supply Chains”
Fleming, Cody May 2024
D. Service on Graduate Student Commiees
35. Jesse Lane, 2023, Ph.D., Human Computer Interacon, Commiee Member
34. Hsin‐Jung Yang, 2023‐, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Commiee Member
33. Badrinath Balasubramaniam, 2022‐, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering,
Commiee Member
32. Ruocheng Yin, N/A, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Commiee Member
31. Mahsa Khosravi, N/A, Ph.D., Industrial Engineering, Commiee Member
30. Qisai Liu, N/A, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Commiee Member
29. Yahya Tawhari, N/A, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Commiee Member
28. Joel Huerta‐Musil, N/A, M.S., Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering,
Commiee Member
27. Roselynn Conrady, N/A, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Commiee Member
26. Sungmoon Choi, N/A, Ph.D., Aerospace Engineering, Commiee Member
25. Michael Welch, nished prelim 2021, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering,
Commiee Member
24. Jesse Lane, N/A, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Commiee Member
23. Todd Thompson, 2021‐2022, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Commiee
22. Shashwata Mandal, N/A, Ph.D., Computer Science, Commiee Member
21. Elham Mohammadrezaei, N/A, Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Commiee
20. Basak Ozaslan, Ph.D., 2016‐2019, University of Virginia
19. Je Benne, Ph.D., 2017‐2018, University of Virginia
18. Zheng Chen, Ph.D., 2018‐2020, University of Virginia
17. Tyler Cody, Ph.D., 2017‐2020, University of Virginia
16. Zach Collier, Ph.D., 2015‐2018, University of Virginia
15. Esen Yel, Ph.D., 2017‐2020, University of Virginia
14. Faraz Dadgostari, Ph.D., 2015‐2021, University of Virginia
13. Thibault Gauer, Ph.D., 2017‐2020, University of Virginia
12. Kiley Gomes, Ph.D., 2019‐2020, University of Virginia
11. Steven Hauser, Ph.D., 2019, University of Virginia
10. Heimir Thorisson, Ph.D., 2015‐2018, University of Virginia
9. Wanshi Hong, Ph.D., 2018‐2020, University of Virginia
8. Jonathan Hughes, Ph.D., 2018‐2019, University of Virginia
7. Lian Cui, Ph.D., 2015‐2018, University of Virginia
6. Emily Miller, M.S., 2016‐2018, University of Virginia
5. Rahul Peddi, Ph.D., 2018‐2020, University of Virginia
4. Seunghan Ryu, Ph.D., 2017‐2020, University of Virginia
Fleming, Cody May 2024
3. Yusheng Wei, Ph.D., 2018‐2020, University of Virginia
2. Kip Johnson, 2016, Ph.D., Aeronaucs and Astronaucs at MIT, External
1. Aidan Collins, 2019, M.S., Electrical and Computer Engineering at Virginia
Commonwealth University, Commiee Member
E. Supervision of Post‐Doctoral Students and Professional Sta
+ Denotes researchers supervised at University of Virginia.
4. Minghui Sun, Postdoctoral Associate 2022‐ , system safey, Iowa State
3. Stephen Adams, Research Scienst 2017‐2020, applied Machine Learning,
currently associate professor at Virginia Tech
2. Tim Sherburne, Research Engineer 2017‐2020, Mission‐Aware Methods and
Tools, currently sta scienst at Virginia Tech
1. Tom Richardson, Research Engineer 2016‐2017, Systems Aware Cyber‐security,
F. Supervision of Independent Study and Undergraduate Research
54. Nathan Van Utrecth, Funded Research Assistant, 2024‐
53. Patrick Whitehouse, Funded Research Assistant, 2023‐
52. Varad Kulkarni, Boeing Fellow, 2022‐2023
51. Rudolph Nahra, Funded Research Assistant, 2022‐2023
50. Meriem Hcini, NSF REU Intern, 2022
49. Charles Brailovski, NSF REU Intern, 2022
48. Alli Brophy, NSF REU Intern, 2022
47. Coby Konkol, Funded Research Assistant, 2021‐2022
46. Ausn Bray, Independent Study, Spring 2022
45. Pedro Garcia, Boeing Fellow, 2021‐2022
44. Tyler Ingebrand, Funded Research Assistant, 2021‐2022
43. Izzy Murray, Funded Research Assistant, 2021‐2022
42. Raul Gonzalez, Funded Research Assistant, 2021‐2022
41. Gabe Stevens, Funded Research Assistant, Summer 2021
40. Mohammad Zaki Patel, Independent Study, Spring 2021
39. Neil Singh, Funded Research Assistant, 2017‐2020
38. Sander Abraham, Funded Research Assistant, 2017‐2020
37. Ausn Anderson, 2019‐2020, Non‐honors Project, Funded
36. Toby Hansford, 2019‐2020, Non‐honors Project, Funded
35. Mason Jordan, 2019‐2020, Non‐honors Project, Funded
34. Sragdhara Khakurel, 2019‐2020, Non‐honors Project, Funded
33. Chris Marshal, 2019‐2020, Non‐honors Project, Funded
Fleming, Cody May 2024
32. Michael Quinn, 2019‐2020, Non‐honors Project, Funded
31. Katherine Taylor, 2019‐2020, Non‐honors Project, Funded
30. Amy Xie, 2019‐2020, Non‐honors Project, Funded
29. Brian Andris, 2018‐2019, Non‐honors Project, Funded
28. Will Gebhardt, 2018‐2019, Non‐honors Project, Funded
27. Chris Nyheim, 2018‐2019, Non‐honors Project, Funded
26. Jonathon Bugg, 08/2018‐05/2019, 2018‐2019, Non‐honors Project, Funded
25. Charles Rogers, 2018‐2019, Non‐honors Project, Funded
24. Evan Heitman, 2018‐2019, Non‐honors Project, Funded
23. Sam Crawford, Funded Research Assistant, 2019
22. Ricardo Marin, Funded Research Assistant, 2018‐2019
21. Kae Kleeman, Funded Research Assistant, 2018‐2019
20. Kwadwo Tenkorang, Funded Research Assistant, Summer 2017
19. John Rowley, 2017‐2018, Non‐honors Project, Funded
18. Ann Liu, 2017‐2018, Non‐honors Project, Funded
17. Steven Sandry, 2017‐2018, Non‐honors Project, Funded
16. Joshua Gross, 2017‐2018, Non‐honors Project, Funded
15. Melvin Salvador, 2017‐2018, Non‐honors Project, Funded
14. Chris Anton, 2017‐2018, Non‐honors Project, Funded
13. Zach Calhoun, 2016‐2017, Non‐honors Project, Funded
12. Patrick Maribojoc, 2016‐2017, Non‐honors Project, Funded
11. Edward (Ned) Selzer, 2016‐2017, Non‐honors Project, Funded
10. Leah Procopi, 08/2016‐05/2017, 2016‐2017, Non‐honors Project, Funded
9. Lina Romeo, Funded Research Assistant, 2016‐2017
8. Tyler Cody, Fall 2016, Deep Learning in Gear Health Monitoring: Deep
Convoluonal Autoencoders for Representaon Learning in High Frequencies
7. April Anlage, 08/2015‐05/2016, Objecves and Metrics of the Federal Aviaon
Administraon’s Time Based Flow Management Soware
6. Patrick Bains, 2015‐2016, Non‐honors Project, Funded
5. Jusn Gregoire, 2015‐2016, Non‐honors Project, Funded
4. Jacob Kozloski, 2015‐2016, Non‐honors Project, Funded
3. Dimitri Oesh, 2015‐2016, Non‐honors Project, Funded
2. Evan Shank, 2015‐2016, Non‐honors Project, Funded
1. Kevin Wu, 2015‐2016, Non‐honors Project, Funded
G. Non‐ISU Instrucon
The following courses were taught at the University of Virginia School of Engineering
and Applied Sciences as an Assistant Professor.
Fleming, Cody May 2024
Term Course
Course Title Credits Lab Number of
Spring 2020 SYS4054 System Design 2 3 No 8 0/0
Fall 2019 SYS2001 Concepts of Sys‐
tems Engineering
3 No 54 1/3
Fall 2019 SYS4053 System Design 1 3 No 8 0/0
Spring 2019 SYS4054 System Design 2 3 No 6 0/0
Fall 2018 SYS2001 Concepts of Sys‐
tems Engineering
3 No 137 1.5/0
Fall 2018 SYS4053 System Design 1 3 No 6 0/0
Spring 2018 SYS6582 Concpts Col‐
3 No 17 1/0
Spring 2018 SYS4054 System Design 2 3 No 6 0/0
Fall 2017 SYS2001 Concepts of Sys‐
tems Engineering
3 No 145 1.5/0
Fall 2017 SYS4053 System Design 1 3 No 6 0/0
Spring 2017 SYS6581 Cyber Physical
3 No 17 1/0
Spring 2017 SYS4054 System Design 2 3 No 6 0/0
Fall 2016 SYS2001 Concepts of Sys‐
tems Engineering
3 No 137 1.5/0
Fall 2016 SYS4053 System Design 1 3 No 4 0/0
Spring 2016 SYS6581 Cyber Physical
3 No 20 1/0
Spring 2016 SYS6582 Concepts Collab‐
orave Auton‐
3 No 10 0/0
Spring 2016 SYS4054 System Design 2 3 No 9 0/0
Fall 2015 SYS2001 Concepts of Sys‐
tems Engineering
3 No 125 1.5/0
Fall 2015 SYS4053 System Design 1 3 No 9 0/0
H. Other Teaching and Student Mentoring Contribuons
Fleming has mentored and funded 14 undergraduate student researchers from
2015‐2020 at University of Virginia and mentored three K‐12 students
+ Denotes service done at University of Virginia.
A. University‐Level Service
Academic Aairs Council, Iowa State University, Fall 2023–
Faculty Senate, Iowa State University, Fall 2022–
Research Collaboraon Catalyst, 2022‐2023 Cohort
Execuve Advisory Board, Cyber Innovaon and Society Instute, University of
Virginia, 2016‐2020
Fleming, Cody May 2024
B. College‐Level Service
Engineering Caucus, Fall 2022–
Kiewit Scholars Fund Evaluaon Commiee, 2021‐2022.
SEAS Dean’s Research Advisory Council (DRAC), December 2017–2019
Search Commiee Member, SEAS & LinkLab CPS and Smart Cies 2017‐2018
Search Commiee Member, SEAS & LinkLab CPS and Smart Cies 2016‐2017
Autonomous Vehicles Conference at UVa, Planning Commiee, 2017
SEAS Integrated Space Plan, Cores/Centers Focus Group Member, 2017‐2018
Focus on the Future Planning Commiee, new department vision commiee,
Search Commiee Chair, SEAS & LinkLab CPS Search subcommiee on Safety
and Formal Methods, 2015‐2016
Jeerson Scholars Panel, 2017
Common Reading Experience Faculty Mentor, 2016‐2019
Faculty adviser, UVA Hyperloop Compeon, 2016‐2017
Undergraduate Research Network Research Symposium Judge, 2016
UVA Engineering Research Symposium Abstract Judge, 2016
C. Department‐Level Service
Member of Undergraduate Curriculum Commiee, 2023–
Chair of Curriculum Development Commiee on Design and Professional
Pracce, Mechanical Engineering, 2022‐2023
Chair and Founder, Computaon Skills Working Group, 2021‐
Seminar Series co‐Coordinator, 2021‐
Leader and Moderator on Professionalism, ENGR 101L Orientaon Course,
September 2021
Member of Curriculum Development Commiee on Design and Professional
Pracce, Mechanical Engineering, 2021‐present
Member of Graduate Studies Commiee, Mechanical Engineering, 2020‐2022
Systems Engineering Undergraduate Commiee Member, 2017‐2020
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Dynamics & Controls Curriculum
Commiee Member, 2018‐2020
Search Commiee Member, SEAS & ESE Human‐Machine Teaming 2018‐2019.
Systems Engineering Graduate Commiee Member, 2015‐2017
A. Editorial and Review Service for Manuscripts
Automaca, 2023–
AIAA Journal of Aircra, 2022–
IEEE/RSJ Internaonal Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Review,
2021 2021 IROS CPRB Outstanding Reviewer Award, one of 4
awards among 3,942 reviewers
Conference on Robocs and Learning, Technical Program Commiee, 2021
Internaonal Conference on Intelligent Transportaon Systems, Reviewer, 2021
Internaonal Conference on Robocs and Automaon, Reviewer, 2021
Transportaon Research Part C, Reviewer, 2021–
Conference on Robocs and Learning, Reviewer, 2020
Fleming, Cody May 2024
Computers and Security, Reviewer, 2020–
Transacons on Soware Engineering and Methodology, Reviewer, 2019–
Transportaon Research Interdisciplinary Perspecves, Reviewer, 2019
Transacons on Soware Engineering, Reviewer, 2019–
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries, Reviewer,
Applied Science, Reviewer, 2020
IEEE Control System Leers, Reviewer, 2020
ITSC 2018, 21st IEEE Internaonal Conference on Intelligent Transportaon
Systems, Associate Editor, 2017‐2018
AIAA Journal of Aerospace Informaon Systems, Reviewer, 2019–
IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, Reviewer, 2017–
Internaonal Journal of Reliability and Safety, Reviewer, 2018
Journal of Navigaon, Reviewer, 2017
Transportaon Review Board, Reviewer, 2016‐2018
IEEE Intelligent Transportaon Systems, Reviewer, 2017–
Internaonal Journal of Robocs Research
American Society for Engineering Educaon, Reviewer, 2016–
IEEE Systems Journal, Reviewer, 2016–
IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Reviewer, 2017–
IEEE American Control Conference, Reviewer, 2017–
Safety Science, Reviewer, 2017–
B. Service to Professional Sociees
Conference Planning Commiee Co‐chair, AIAA Intelligent Systems Technical
Commiee, 2020–
Moderator, Panel on AI4SE, Systems Engineering Research Council, 2020
Technical Commiee Member, AIAA Intelligent Systems Technical Commiee,
Panel Chair, and Planning Commiee Member, CSER 2018 Conference on
Systems Engineering Research, 2017‐2018
Member of Standing Commiee, TRB AV090 Standing Commiee on Aviaon
Security and Emergency Management, 2016‐2019
Program Commiee Member, Internaonal Symposium for ICS & SCADA Cyber
Security Research, 2017
Program Commiee Member, Internaonal Symposium for ICS & SCADA Cyber
Security Research, 2016
Panelist, INCOSE Academic Forum on Interacve Engineering Educaon, 2016
Planning and editorial Commiee Member, 4th STAMP Workshop, Cambridge,
Panelist, NSF Workshop on the Future of Systems Engineering Educaon, 2015
Planning and editorial Commiee Member, 3rd STAMP Workshop, Cambridge,
Planning and editorial Commiee Member, 2nd STAMP Workshop, Cambridge,
Planning and editorial Commiee Member, 1st STAMP Workshop, Cambridge,
Fleming, Cody May 2024
C. Grant Review Acvies
Canada Foundaon for Innovaon, 2021
NSF, 2020, Panel member for Formal Methods in the Field
NSF, 2017, Panelist member for PFI‐BIC
NSF, 2016, Panel member for Engineering Systems and Design
D. Government, Educaonal, or Corporate Advisory Commiees
E. Other Professional Service
Commiee Member, Naonal Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
study on Emerging Trends in Aviaon Safety, 2021–
A. Outreach Acvies
Iniated a screening of “Changing a Scienst, a documentary lm about the
challenges facing women in STEM research elds. The lm was shown in Carver
Hall and was co‐hosted by WiSE, SWE, and MELT student groups.
B. Community Engagement Acvies
Organizing Commiee Member and Speaker for community event about the
future of autonomy and society. Driverless Future: How might cars and their
management systems change over me? City of Charloesville, 2017.
Science fair judge and organizer, City of Cambridge, MA, 2013‐2014.
C. Other Acvies
Organizer and acvist, Friendship at the Court, a community engagement for
underrepresented groups in Charloesville, VA. 2018‐2019.
Volunteer and Mentor, Best Buddies Internaonal, 2006‐2009.