See Google Scholar page for a (perhaps) more accurate and current list.

  • Laplante P., DeFranco J., Kuhn R., Chandrasekaran J., Cofer D., Ding J., Elks C., Fleming C., Goodloe A., Lanus E., and Porter A. Assured Autonomy, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning, IEEE Computer. Vol 57, 3, pp. 14-21. Impact Factor: 3.6.
  • Sun M., S. Gautham, C. Elks, and C. Fleming. Defining and Characterizing Model-based Safety Assessment: A Review, Safety Science. Vol 172 (2024): 106425. Impact Factor: 6.1.
  • Amy Ruth Pritchett, C. Fleming, Robert J Hansman Jr, Christopher Hart, Margaret T. Jenny, Paul McCarthy, Nadine B Sarter, Ashok Srivastava, Kathleen M Sutcliffe, Alyson Wilson. Emerging Hazards in Commercial Aviation—Report 1: Initial Assessment of Safety Data and Analysis Processes, Transportation Research Board, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, August, 2022.
  • Bakirtzis G., F. Genovese, and C. Fleming. Yoneda Hacking: The Algebra of Attacker Actions, ACM Transactions on CPS. Vol 6, Issue 3, (2022). Impact Factor: 2.3.
  • K. Rand and C. Fleming. Decision support architectures for the recovery of interdependent infrastructure with large-scale damage and socially vulnerable populations, Risk Analysis: An International Journal. Vol 42, Iss 5, Pp 1124-1135, (2022). Impact Factor: 4.0.
  • Bakirtzis G., C. Vasilakopoulou, and C. Fleming. Categorical Semantics of Cyber-Physical Systems Theory, ACM Transactions on CPS. Vol 5, No 3, (2021). Impact Factor: 2.3.
  • Jafarzadeh H. and C. Fleming. DMPC: A Data-and Model-Driven Approach to Predictive Control, Automatica. Vol 131, (2021). Impact Factor: 6.4.
  • Bakirtzis G., T. Sherburne, S. Adams, B. M. Horowitz, P. A. Beling, C. Fleming. An Ontological Metamodel for Cyber-Physical System Safety, Security, and Resilience Coengineering, International Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (SoSyM), Vol 21, No 1, (2022). Impact Factor: 2.1.
  • Bakirtzis G., E. Subrahmanian, C. Fleming. Compositional Thinking in Cyber-Physical Systems Theory, IEEE Computer. Vol 54, No 12, pp 50-59, (2021). Impact Factor: 3.6.
  • Fleming C., C. Elks, G. Bakirtzis, S. C. Adams, B. Carter, P. A. Beling, and B. Horowitz. Cyber-Physical Security Through Resiliency: A Systems Centric Approach for Facilitating Resilience in Cyber-Physical Systems, IEEE Computer. Vol 54, No 04, (2021). Impact Factor: 3.564.
  • Stankovic J., H. Alemzadeh, B. Campbell, J. Lach, L. Feng, C. Fleming, J. Goodall, T. Odumosu, D. Quinn, Y. Tian, K. Tobler. A Graduate Curriculum in Cyber Physical Systems, IEEE Design & Test. Vol 38, Iss 3, (2021). Impact Factor: 2.409.
  • K. Rand, M. Kurth, C. Fleming, I. Linkov. A resilience matrix approach for measuring and mitigating disaster-induced population displacement, International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. Vol 42, 101310, (2020). Impact Factor: 2.896.
  • Carter B., S. Adams, G. Bakirtzis, T. Sherburne, P. Beling, B. Horowitz, C. Fleming. A Preliminary Design-Phase Security Methodology for Cyber-Physical Systems, Systems. Vol 7(2):21, (2019). Impact Factor: 2.5.
  • Sun M., K. Rand, and C. Fleming. 4 Dimensional Waypoint Generation for conflict-free Trajectory Based Operation, Aerospace Science and Technology. Vol 88 , pp 350-361, (2019). Impact Factor: 4.499.
  • Carter B., G. Bakirtzis, C. Elks, C. Fleming. Systems-Theoretic Security Requirements Modeling for Cyber-Physical Systems, Systems Engineering. Vol 22, pp 411-42., (2019). Impact Factor: 1.0.
  • Bakirtzis G., B. Simon, A. Collins, C. Fleming and C. Elks. Data Driven Vulnerability Exploration for Design Phase Analysis, IEEE Systems Journal. Vol 14, No 4, (2019). Impact Factor: 5.280.
  • K. Rand and C. Fleming. An interdisciplinary review to develop guidelines for modeling population displacement as a function of infrastructure reconstruction decisions, Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives. Vol 3, 100072, (2019).
  • Jafarzadeh H. and C. Fleming. An Exact Geometry-Based Algorithm for Path Planning, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science. Vol 28, No 3, 493–504, (2018). Impact Factor: 1.694.
  • Boyer R., W. Scherer, C. Fleming C., C. Connors, and N.P. Whitehead. A Human-Machine Methodology for Investigating Systems Thinking in a Complex Corpus, IEEE Systems Journal. Vol 12, Iss 3 Pp: 2937-2948, (2018). Impact Factor: 5.280.
  • Fleming C. and N.G. Leveson. Early Concept Development and Safety Analysis of Future Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. Vol 17, No 12, pp. 3512-3523, (2016). Impact Factor: 6.319.
  • Fleming C. and N.G. Leveson. Improving Hazard Analysis and Certification of Integrated Modular Avionics, AIAA Journal of Aerospace Information Systems. Vol 11, No 6, pp 397-411, (2014). Impact Factor: 1.412.
  • Ishimatsu T., N.G. Leveson, J.P. Thomas, C. Fleming, M. Katahira, Y. Miyamoto, R. Ujiie, H. Nakao, and N. Hoshino. Analysis of Complex Spacecraft Using Systems Theoretic Process Analysis, AIAA Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets. Vol 51, No 2, pp 509-522, (2014). Impact Factor: 1.207.
  • Fleming C., M. Spencer, N. Leveson, and C. Wilkinson. Safety assurance in NextGen and complex transportation systems, Safety Science. Vol 55, pp 173-187, (2013). Impact Factor: 6.1.
  • Shahid M.B., R. Robison, T. Shafer, V. Diloreto, N. Alexandrov, and C. Fleming. Uncertainty Quantification using Deep Ensembles for Decision Making in Cyber-Physical Systems, 2024 AIAA SciTech Forum. AIAA 2024-0108.
  • R. Robison, T. Shafer, V. Diloreto, N. Alexandrov, M.B. Shahid, and C. Fleming. Quantile Regression for Uncertainty Estimation in Differential Equations, 2024 AIAA SciTech Forum. AIAA 2024-0109.
  • Bradley J., A. Pritchett, K.Y. Rozier, C. Fleming. Impact and Influence of Cyber-Physical Systems Research on Autonomous Aerospace Systems, 2023 AIAA SciTech Forum. p. 2669.
  • Sun S. and C. Fleming, A new safety-guided design methodology to complement model-based safety analysis for safety assurance, 4th IFAC Workshop on Cyber-Physical & Human-Systems, Vol 55, Issue 41, Pages 101-106.
  • Jafarzadeh H. and C. Fleming. Gaussian Process-based Model Predictive Controller for Connected Vehicles with Uncertain Wireless Channel, 24th IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC 2021), September 2021.
  • Sekhon J. and C. Fleming. SCAN: A Spatial Context Attentive Network for Joint Multi-Agent Intent Prediction, Thirty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-21). February 2021. Acceptance rate: 21%
  • Singh N., S. Abraham, M. Sun, and C. Fleming. Optimization of Waypoint-based Flight-deck Interval Management for NextGen Concept of Operations, 2021 AIAA SciTech Forum. January 2021.
  • G. Bakirtzis, Fabrizio Genovese, C. Fleming. Categorical Semantics of Security Modeling, ICRA 21 Workshop on Compositional Robotics: Mathematics and Tools. Xi’an, China, May-June 2021.
  • Austin Anderson, Chris Marshall, Toby Hansford, Mason Jordan, Sragdhara Khakurel, Michael Quinn, Katherine Taylor, Amy Xie, and C. Fleming. Measuring Airport Similarity to Create a Towering Decision Aid, SIEDS `20 IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium. Charlottesville, VA, April 2020.
  • Sun M., S. Abraham, N. Singh, and C. Fleming. Waypoint-based Flight-deck Interval Management, 2020 AIAA SciTech Forum. January 2020.
  • Sekhon J. and C. Fleming. A Spatially and Temporally Attentive Joint Trajectory Prediction Framework for Modeling Vessel Intent, Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Learning for Dynamics and Control, PMLR 120:318-327, 2020. Acceptance rate for oral presentation: 11%
  • Bakirtzis G., G. L. Ward, C. J. Deloglos, C. R. Elks, B. M. Horowitz, and C. Fleming. Fundamental Challenges of Cyber-Physical Systems Security Modeling, DSN 2020: 50th IEEE IFP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks. Acceptance rate: 16.5%
  • Bakirtzis G., C. Vasilakopoulou and C. Fleming. Compositional Cyber-Physical Systems Modeling, Applied Category Theory 2020. July 2020.
  • Bergman M., S. Adams, T. Sherburne, C. Fleming, P. Beling. Active Learning to Improve Static Analysis, 18th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications - ICMLA 2019. Florida, December 2019. Acceptance rate: 25%
  • Sun M., X. Ge, and C. Fleming. Guaranteed Conflict: when speed advisory doesn’t work for Time-based Flow Management, Thirteenth USA-Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar (ATM2019). Vienna, Austria, June 2019.
  • Sekhon J. and C. Fleming. Towards Improved Testing For Deep Learning, 41st ACM-IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering, ICSE 2019, New Ideas and Emerging Results. Acceptance rate: 27%
  • Charles Rogers, Jonathan Bugg, Chris Nyheim, Will Gebhardt, Brian Andris, Evan Heitman, and C. Fleming Adversarial Artificial Intelligence for Overhead Imagery Classification Models, SIEDS `19 IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium. Charlottesville, VA, April 2019.
  • Elahe Soltanaghaei, Mahmoud Elnaggar, Katie Kleeman, Kamin Whitehouse, C. Fleming. Characterizing Uncertainties of Wireless Channels in Connected Vehicles, MobiCom 2019, The 25th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking. Posters & Demos, Oct 21-25, 2019.
  • Jafarzadeh, H. and C. Fleming. Learning Model Predictive Control for Connected Autonomous Vehicles, 58th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control. Nice, France, December 2019.
  • G. Bakirtzis, B.T. Carter, C.R. Elks, C.H. Fleming, A Model-Based Approach to Security Analysis for Cyber-Physical Systems, 12th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference SYSCON. Vancouver BC, Canada, April 2018.
  • J. Rowley, A. Liu, S. Sandry, J. Gross, M. Salvador, C. Anton, and C. Fleming, Examining the Driverless Future: An Analysis of Human-Caused Vehicle Accidents and Development of an Autonomous Vehicle Communication Testbed, SIEDS `18, IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium. Charlottesville, VA, April 2018.
  • Mahmoud Elnaggar, Kamin Whitehouse and C. Fleming. Bayesian Wireless Channel Prediction for Safety-Critical Connected Autonomous Vehicles, Bayesian Deep Learning Workshop. NeurIPS 2018, Acceptance rate: 21%
  • B. Carter, G. Bakirtzis, C. Elks, C. Fleming, A Systems Approach for Eliciting Mission-Centric Security Requirements, 12th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference SYSCON. Vancouver BC, Canada, April 2018. Best Student Paper Award
  • Bakirtzis G., B. Simon, C. Fleming, and C. Elks. Looking for a Black Cat in a Dark Room: Security Visualization for Cyber-Physical System Design and Analysis, IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security (VizSec). Berlin, Germany, October 2018. Acceptance rate: 35%
  • Bashiri, M., H. Jafarzadeh, and C. Fleming. PAIM: Platoon-based Autonomous Intersection Management, 2018 IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference (ITSC 2018). Hawaii, November 2018.
  • Sun, M., Ge, X., and Fleming C. Resolving a Dilemma: Guaranteeing Conflict-free 4D-Trajectories While Leaving Autonomy to Airlines, 2018 IEEE-AIAA 37th Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC). London, UK, September 2018.
  • R. Bailey, C.H. Fleming, W.T. Scherer, M.C. Smith, W.H. Guilford, J.W. Lark, III, D. Elzey, S. Russell, S. Acton, B.L. Smith. Integrating Systems Approaches into Education Using Active Case Studies, Frontiers in Education 2018. San Jose, CA USA, October 2018.
  • S. Adams, B. Carter, C. Fleming, P.A. Beling. Selecting System Specific Cyber-Security Attack Patterns using Topic Modeling, 17th IEEE International Conference On Trust, Security And Privacy In Computing And Communications (IEEE TrustCom-18). New York, NY USA, August 2018. Acceptance rate: 16%
  • B. Carter, C. Fleming, C. Elks, and G. Bakirtzis. Cyber-Physical Systems Modeling for Security Using SysML. CSER 2018:16th-Annual Conference on Systems Engineering. Charlottesville, VA USA, May 2018.
  • Bashiri, M. and C. Fleming. A Platoon-Based Intersection Management System for Autonomous Vehicles, 2017 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV 2017). Redondo Beach, CA, June 2017.
  • Fleming C. Systems Theory and a Drive Towards Model-based Safety Analysis, 11th Annual IEEE International Systems Conference, special session on Theoretical Foundations of Systems Engineering (THEFOSE). Montreal, Quebec, April 2017.
  • Calhoun, Z., Maribojoc, P., Selzer, N., Procopi, L., Bezzo, N., and Fleming, C. Analysis of Identity and Access Management alternatives for a multinational information-sharing environment. Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium (SIEDS), 2017. (pp. 208-213). IEEE, April 2017.
  • Bains, P.; Ferris, K.; Gregoire, J.; Kim, J.; Kozloski, J.; Lazenby, J.; Ofiesh, D.; Shank, E.; Wu, K.; Beling, P.; and Fleming C. Risk Analysis of Globalized Airline Supply Chains, SIEDS `16, IEEE Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium. Charlottesville, VA, April 2016.
  • Fleming C. A Systems-theoretic Approach to Early Concept Development, SMC2016, 2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Budapest, Hungary, October 2016.
  • Leveson, N.; C. Fleming; J. Thomas, and C. Wilkinson. A Comparison of SAE ARP 4761 and STPA Safety Assessment Processes, 23rd Safety-critical Systems Symposium (SSS'15). Bristol, UK, February 2015.
  • Fleming C. and N. Leveson. Including Safety during Early Development Phases of Future Air Traffic Management Concepts, Eleventh USA-Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar (ATM2015). Lisbon, Portugal, June 2015.
  • Fleming, C. and N. Leveson. Integrating Systems Safety into Systems Engineering during Concept Development, 25th Annual INCOSE International Symposium 2015. Seattle, WA, July 2015. Brian Marr Best Student Paper Award
  • Fleming C. Model-based Concept Development and Safety Driven Design, Informatik 2014: Big Data. Stuttgart, Germany, September 2014.
  • Fleming C., N.G. Leveson, and M.S. Placke. Assuring Safety of NextGen Procedures, Tenth USA-Europe Air Traffic Management Research and Development Seminar (ATM2013). Chicago, IL, June 2013.
  • Leveson, N.G.; C. Fleming, M. Spencer, J. Thomas, and C. Wilkinson. Safety Assurance of Complex, Software-Intensive Systems, SAE 2012 Aerospace Electronics and Avionics Systems Conference. October 2012.
  • Ishimatsu T., N. Leveson, C. Fleming, M. Katahira, Y. Miyamoto, H. Nakao. Multiple Controller Contributions to Hazards_11th International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety._ Versailles, France, October 2011.
  • Fleming C., T. Ishimatsu, Y. Miyamoto, H. Nakao, M. Katahira, N. Hoshino, J. Thomas, N. Leveson. Safety-Guided Spacecraft Design Using Model-based Specifications_11th International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety._ Versailles, France, October 2011.
  • C. Fleming, edited by Dinesh Verma. Systems Engineering in the Digital Age: Practitioner Perspectives, Springer.
  • Adams, S., P. A. Beling, James H. Lambert, William T. Scherer, and C. H. Fleming. Systems Engineering in Context. Springer.
  • Michael DeVore, Jared Cooper, Andy Wallington, Robert Crouse, Gust Tsikalas, Komal Verma, C. H Fleming, Greg Carr, Newton Kirby. Run Time Assurance for Electric Vertical Takeoff and Landing Aircraft, NASA/CR-20210026909,
  • M. Sun, C. H. Fleming, and Milena Milich. Defining and Reasoning about Model-based Safety Analysis: A Review, NASA Contractor Report, March 2021.
  • James Ferlez, Mahmoud Elnaggar, Yasser Shoukry, and Cody Fleming. Shieldnn: A provably safe nn filter for unsafe nn controllers, arXiv preprint. arXiv:2006.09564 (2020).
  • Thomas A. McDermott Jr., C. Fleming, Megan M. Clifford, Tim Sherburne, G. Bakirtzis, K. Rand. Concept of Operations (CONOPS) Exploiting Cyber Vulnerabilities of Oil and Gas Pipelines Building the Systems Assurance Framework, SERC-SR-2020-004, December, 2020.
  • Thomas A. McDermott Jr., C. Fleming, Megan M. Clifford, Tim Sherburne, G. Bakirtzis, K. Rand. Methods to Evaluate Cost/Technical Risk and Opportunity Decisions for Security Assurance in Design, SERC-TR-2020-005, June 2020.
  • P. A. Beling, B. Horowitz, C. Fleming, S. Adams, Tim Sherburne, Davis Loose. RT-1013: Security Engineering. SERC-2020-TR-008, June 2020.
  • Moradinasab, Nazanin; H. Jafarzadeh, M. R. Amin-Naseri, and C. H. Fleming. A Dynamic Sustainable Competitive Petroleum Supply Chain Model for Various Stakeholders with Shared Facilities. arXiv preprint. arXiv:1907.11789 (2019).
  • Beling P, Horowitz B, Fleming C, Adams S, Bakirtzis G, Carter B, Sherburne T, Elks C, Collins A, Simon B. Model-based Engineering for Functional Risk Assessment and Design of Cyber Resilient Systems. University of Virginia Charlottesville United States; 2019 Feb 22.
  • Bakirtzis, G. and Fleming, C., Cyber-physical System Safety and Security in the Nuclear Power Plant Context, ANS Student Conference. April 2019, Richmond VA.
  • Horowitz B, Beling P, Fleming C, Adams S, Carter B, Sherburne T, Elks C, Bakirtzis G, Shull F, Mead NR. Cyber Security Requirements Methodology. Stevens Institute of Technology Hoboken United States; 2018 Jul 26.
  • Bakirtzis, G.; Carter, B.; Elks, C.; and Fleming, C. Cyber Assurance Assessment Using Systems and Control Theory, 26th USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX Security ‘17). Vancouver, BC, Canada, August 2017.
  • Rand, K. and Fleming, C. Population Migration & Infrastructure Resilience: A Review of Theory and Practice, 26th SRA-Europe Conference. Lisbon, Portugal, June 2017.
  • Horowitz B, Beling P, Fleming C, Adams S, Carter B, Vemuru K, Elks C, Bakker T, Cios K, Bakirtzis G, Collins A. Security Engineering FY17 Systems Aware Cybersecurity. Stevens Institute of Technology Hoboken United States; 2017 Dec 7.
  • Leveson, N.; Wilkinson, C.; Fleming C.; and Thomas, J. A Comparison of STPA and the ARP 4761 Safety Assessment Process, MIT Technical Report, June 2014.
  • Fleming C.; Placke, M.S.; and Leveson, N. STPA Analysis of NextGen Interval Management Components, FAA Technical Report, September 2013.
  • Fleming C.; Spencer, M.; Thomas, J.; Leveson, N.; and Wilkinson, C. Mission Assurance in NextGen Technologies, NASA Technical Report, March 2012.
  • An STPA Primer Version 1, August 2013. __
  • J. Sekhon. Modeling Pedestrian Dynamics in Crowds, PhD Dissertation. University of Virginia.
  • M. Sun. Towards a Comprehensive Model-Based Safety Assessment: A STPA-Informed Approach, PhD Dissertation. University of Virginia.
  • H. Jafarzadeh. Data- and Model-Driven Predictive Control: With Applications to Connected Autonomous Vehicles, PhD Dissertation. University of Virginia.
  • G. Bakirtzis. Compositional Cyber-Physical Systems Theory, PhD Dissertation. University of Virginia.
  • Masoud Bashiri. Data-Driven Intersection ManagementSolutions for Mixed Traffic of Human-Drivenand Connected and Automated Vehicles, PhD Dissertation. University of Virginia.
  • K. Rand. A System Theoretic Approach to Dynamic Recovery Strategy Design in Networked Systems, PhD Dissertation. University of Virginia.